Cybernetic and information security is currently a topical issue, as the start-up of Hradec Králové well aware. Three developers established this joint project, which offers its customers both tailored services involving software, hardware and development services, as well as special solutions in the area of information and cybernetic security.
In a few days, the company will begin incubation with its special software for highly encrypted VPNs at Technology Centre Hradec Králové. Martin Hubáček, security analyst at describes the purpose: “For our solution, we are currently seeking an investor and we see that our path lies in the area of highly secure VPNs. The area of cybernetic and information security is often underestimated. From a statistical perspective, seven out of ten companies are not prepared for a possible cyberattack. Dealing with the consequences of a successful attack on infrastructure or services is often costly and time consuming. The best defence is systematic preparation of infrastructure and minimisation of risk factors including appropriate education in this issue. For minimisation of risks, we are introducing a new service that provides highly secure VPN connection. One of the benefits of our service consists in the utilised technologies and very complex encryption minimising the risk of eavesdropping and unauthorised intervention in the client’s communication flow. The use of highly secure communication tunnels is one of the steps for reducing the risk of a successful attack,”
1) Martin, why cybersecurity? Do you see a gap in the market?
The current situation led to contemplation of the approach to information and cybernetic security. Companies still are not sufficiently aware of the importance of their IT departments and the resources that they use. These departments are often underfinanced, employees are often undereducated in this area and the issue itself is put on the back burner with the belief that “nothing will happen”. That is exactly the kind of belief held by people who don’t take sufficient measures to back up their data. The subsequent retrieval of data is far more expensive than prevention. It’s very similar with cybernetic and information security, so there are a lot of opportunities here that we want to exploit. Our aim is to help and to minimise possible risks.
2) In what way is your project unique? What are you doing differently than other firms in your field?
Many of the firms operating in our field use uniform solutions, which they employ for broad implementation regardless of the client’s actual needs. Unlike others, we are creating a solution that reflects actual needs and current trends.
3) What do you expect to gain from incubation at Technology Centre Hradec Králové (TC HK)?
TC HK is offering us a unique growth opportunity, providing consulting and assistance services including an individual approach, which we value highly. The possibility of incubation at TCHK is a great benefit for us and the collaboration will bring us an abundance of new findings and knowledge.
4) Where do you see yourselves in five years?
That’s a very good question. Five years is a long time, during which a lot of things can change. That far down the road, we see ourselves in a stable company with well-developed infrastructure throughout the EU or even beyond. We very gladly set difficult goals for ourselves.
Thank you and good luck!