The Dumpling Hack ideathon in Taipei, which was organized by the Czech-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce and the Startup Kitchen, aimed to deepen cooperation between the two countries in the innovative sector. And no better way to do that than over a shared love of dumplings. Now the international team BUSINESS COPILOT is taking home the title of the most innovative dumpling.
“All teams impressed us with their innovation cooking skills and some really presented the right balance of ingredients. The BUSINESS COPILOT team found the perfect sweet spot – their idea and presentation included a dash of creativity, a healthy dollop of technical know-how, and a generous helping of collaboration,” said Petr Ocko, director of CzechInvest & Dumpling Hack judge.
The ideathon was part of an official Czech delegation to Taiwan. The competition was fierce, ideas were boiling, but ultimately, the jury of Alice Rezková from the Czech-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce, Mitch Yang from Taiwania Capital, Czechinvest Director Petr Očko, Chi Ko from Meet Global, and Bimal Kapoor from TaiwanPLUS picked the best dumpling of 2023.
Marketa Pekarova Adamova, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, led the delegation and commented on the event: “I was pleased to see many international talents finding new ways to solve today’s problems. Taiwan and the Czech Republic are both hungry for innovations, and Dumplings Hack was a great appetizer for our future cooperation in the startup sector.”
The teams could target one of 6 challenges and had 24 hours to work on them, come up with spicy ideas and create presentations. The winning team, which included both Czech and Taiwaneese innovators, targeted the issue of scaling to new markets and decided to create an AI-powered connecting platform.
“As a startup you know scaling to different continent is quite a challenge and you need to break some eggs to make a successful business omelet. This ideathon makes the whole experience way more egg-citing! We established some partnerships here, made new friends and we hope to come back soon!” said Jan Cizmar who is now preparing to perform on the stage at the Smart City Summit & Expo.
Dumpling Hack was a first-ever ideathon between the Czech Republic and Taiwan. And it is already bearing fruits – there are some first partnerships and collaborations on the table. Dumpling hack thus showed that innovation and creativity can bring people from different countries and cultures together.
“We know building something new is quite a big bite for young businesses. So we help startups find the recipe for success. Together with partners, we took a traditional event that connects people and ideas and gave it a modern twist. And I think it was a well-done dish,” concluded Tomas Cironis, director of Startup Kitchen.
Organizers of the event were Startup Kitchen and the Czech-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce.
Partners of the Dumplings hack were CzechInvest with their Technology Incubation project, Taiwania Capital, TaiwanPLUS, Meet Global, Tawan Digital Diplomacy Association, and Startup Terrace.
zdroj: Startup Kitchen