What is Czechstartups.org?

Czechstartups.org is the official website of the Czech start-up scene

As the official website of the Czech start-up scene, Czechstartups.org puts everything from the start-up world in one place. Its purpose is to offer a comprehensive overview of the Czech start-up ecosystem not only to beginning entrepreneurs, but to all start-up enthusiasts and the general public. The web portal was launched as a partnership project of CzechInvest in cooperation with IBM Czech Republic, Czech ICT Alliance, The Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic and Rockaway Capital.

On the website, you can find information about current governmental and private programmes to support start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as information on providers of support who are able to assist with the launch and acceleration of business operations by means of mentoring, networking and provision of investments. The website also features a calendar of start-up events in which you can find interesting domestic and foreign happenings. Of no less importance, Czechstartups.org provides the latest news, information on successful investors and interviews with interesting people from the Czech start-up scene.


Our vision is to share information from the world of start-ups with start-up enthusiasts, students, start-ups and beginning entrepreneurs, incubators, accelerators and small and medium-sized enterprises.

We are glad that our daily work with interesting information, events, programmes and current affairs in the start-up world is so interesting that we can pass it on and be part of the Czech start-up scene.


We regularly speak with people who are closely involved with start-ups and we ask them to share their stories, concerns, problems, plans and business experience with you in the form of unique interviews. We monitor social networks and online channels in order to bring you the latest news. We collaborate with our colleagues at CzechInvest who implement programmes for start-ups #podporastartupu.cz.

We closely cooperate with the international calendar TechStars Startup Digest Czech Republic.

Our team

Marketa Prenosilova

Founder, Europe Startup Ambassador

Katerina Glazar Kynclova

Web Content Manager & Editor

Interview, Partnership, Collaboration, News, Events, Newsletter and Social Networking

The web portal was launched as a partnership project of CzechInvest

in cooperation with IBM Czech Republic, Czech ICT Alliance, The Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic and Rockaway Capital.

We cooperate

You will find us online